Panagiotis D. Ritsos

MEng PhD Essex, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Visualization

XReality, Visualization and
Analytics (XRVA) Lab

Visualization, Data, Modelling and
Graphics (VDMG) research group,

School of Computer Science
and Engineering,

Bangor University,
Dean Street, Bangor,
Gwynedd, UK, LL57 1UT

Interactive Oceanographic Visualization using spatially-aggregated Parallel Coordinate Plots


Visual Analytics interfaces allow ocean scientists to interactively investigate and compare different runs and parameterizations. However, oceanographic models are complex, temporal and the datasets that are generated are huge. Parallel Coordinate Plots can help explore multivariate data such as ocean-science data. Common issues with traditional PCPs of clutter and performance inhibit interactive spatial exploration. We describe techniques that aggregates the PCP based on the spatial nature of the data and we render the polylines as ranges.




See below for embedded view


R. L. S. F. George, P. D. Ritsos, and J. C. Roberts, “Interactive Oceanographic Visualization using spatially-aggregated Parallel Coordinate Plots,” in Posters presented at EuroVis 2014, June 9-13 , Swansea, Wales, UK, 2014.


  author = {George, Richard L.S.F. and Ritsos, Panagiotis D. and Roberts, Jonathan C.},
  title = {Interactive Oceanographic Visualization using spatially-aggregated Parallel Coordinate Plots},
  year = {2014},
  booktitle = {Posters presented at EuroVis 2014, June 9-13 , Swansea, Wales, UK},
  month = jun
