Panagiotis D. Ritsos

MEng PhD Essex, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Visualization

XReality, Visualization and
Analytics (XRVA) Lab

Visualization, Data, Modelling and
Graphics (VDMG) research group,

School of Computer Science
and Engineering,

Bangor University,
Dean Street, Bangor,
Gwynedd, UK, LL57 1UT

Creating Small Unit Based Glyph Visualisations


Many modern day tasks involve the use of small screens, where users want to see a summary visualisation of an activity. For example, a runner using a smart watch needs to quickly view their progress, heart rate, comparison to previous races, etc. Subsequently, there is a need to portray data to users in small, yet well-defined, spaces. We define this space to be a single self-contained “unit”. In this paper we introduce a glyph visualisation algorithm that creates a diverse range of visualisation designs; each design contains many separate parts, whereupon different parameters can be mapped. Our algorithm uses a path based approach which allows designers to create deterministic, yet unique designs, in a unit space to display multivariate data.




See below for embedded view



J. Jackson, P. D. Ritsos, and J. C. Roberts, “Creating Small Unit Based Glyph Visualisations,” in Posters presented at the IEEE Conference on Visualization (IEEE VIS 2018), Berlin, Germany, 2018.


  author = {Jackson, James and Ritsos, Panagiotis D. and Roberts, Jonathan C.},
  title = {{Creating Small Unit Based Glyph Visualisations}},
  year = {2018},
  month = oct,
  booktitle = {Posters presented at the IEEE Conference on Visualization (IEEE VIS 2018), Berlin, Germany}
