Evaluating the Education of Interpreters and their Clients through Virtual Learning Activities (EVIVA) - (2013 - 2014, EU LLP)
Project EVIVA was a follow-up project of IVY, with 5 partners (EU Lifelong Learning Progamme - Project 511862-2010-LLP-UK-KA-KA3MP). The project’s aims were (a) to investigate the efficiency of VLEs and how they support different learning activities, and how learners from diverse backgrounds learn by using VLEs, (b) to develop innovative evaluation methods for interpreter-mediated communications by combining traditional methods of assessment, with methods such as introspection, corpus analysis and visual analytics, and (c) to formulate design recommendations for building VLEs for interpreting.
Collaborators (in various publications)
University of Surrey, Bangor University, University of Cyprus, Adam Mickiewicz University, Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG für Technologietransfer
Related Publications
P. D. Ritsos, R. Gittins, S. Braun, C. Slater, and J. C. Roberts, “Training Interpreters using Virtual Worlds,” in Transactions on Computational Science XVIII, vol. 7848, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 21–40.
With the rise in population migration there has been an increased need for professional interpreters who can bridge language barriers and operate in a variety of fields such as business, legal, social and medical. Interpreters require specialized training to cope with the idiosyncrasies of each field and their potential clients need to be aware of professional parlance. We present ‘Project IVY’. In IVY, users can make a selection from over 30 interpreter training scenarios situated in the 3D virtual world. Users then interpret the oral interaction of two avatar actors. In addition to creating different 3D scenarios, we have developed an asset management system for the oral files and permit users (mentors of the training interpreters) to easily upload and customize the 3D environment and observe which scenario is being used by a student. In this article we present the design and development of the IVY Virtual Environment and the asset management system. Finally we make discussion over our plans for further development.
P. D. Ritsos, R. Gittins, J. C. Roberts, S. Braun, and C. Slater, “Using Virtual Reality for Interpreter-mediated Communication and Training,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW’12), Darmstadt, Germany, 2012, pp. 191–198.
As international businesses adopt social media and virtual worlds as mediums for conducting international business, so there is an increasing need for interpreters who can bridge the language barriers, and work within these new spheres. The recent rise in migration (within the EU) has also increased the need for professional interpreters in business, legal, medical and other settings. Project IVY attempts to provide bespoke 3D virtual environments that are tailor made to train interpreters to work in the new digital environments, responding to this increased demand. In this paper we present the design and development of the IVY Virtual Environment. We present past and current design strategies, our implementation progress and our future plans for further development.
P. D. Ritsos and J. C. Roberts, “Towards more Visual Analytics in Learning Analytics,” in EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA), Swansea, UK, 2014, pp. 61–65.
Learning Analytics is the collection, management and analysis of students’ learning. It is used to enable teachers
to understand how their students are progressing and for learners to ascertain how well they are performing.
Often the data is displayed through dashboards. However, there is a huge opportunity to include more comprehensive
and interactive visualizations that provide visual depictions and analysis throughout the lifetime of the
learner, monitoring their progress from novices to experts. We therefore encourage researchers to take a comprehensive
approach and re-think how visual analytics can be applied to the learning environment, and develop more
interactive and exploratory interfaces for the learner and teacher.