Panagiotis D. Ritsos

MEng PhD Essex, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Visualization

XReality, Visualization and
Analytics (XRVA) Lab

Visualization, Data, Modelling and
Graphics (VDMG) research group,

School of Computer Science
and Engineering,

Bangor University,
Dean Street, Bangor,
Gwynedd, UK, LL57 1UT

DSP Centre receives 3M funding

Research at the DSP Centre of Excellence, in Bangor University

Bangor University’s Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Centre of Excellence has secured £3 million to invest in cutting-edge equipment, which will develop the facility as well as create up to 40 new jobs. The DSP Centre is the first project funded from the North Wales Growth Deal, a £1 billion investment to the region’s economy, £240m of which is funded by the Welsh Government and UK Government. The project is recognised by both governments as being critical to the development and future of North Wales and the wider economy. More information can be found here.

One aspect of the DSP Centre is the development of novel applications that make use of these ‘future networks’, and technologies such as edge computing, IoT, and XR. This theme has strong synergies with the themes of Immersive Analytics and broader work on XR, such as medical training simulations.