Panagiotis D. Ritsos

MEng PhD Essex, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Visualization

XReality, Visualization and
Analytics (XRVA) Lab

Visualization, Data, Modelling and
Graphics (VDMG) research group,

School of Computer Science
and Engineering,

Bangor University,
Dean Street, Bangor,
Gwynedd, UK, LL57 1UT

Delivered an XReality course at Airbus

Between 15th of February and the 8th of March, we delivered, along with Dr Peter Butcher, a course on XReality, to Airbus employees. The course is part of the DSP Centre’s Educational College and was delivered within the Skills Factory programme, for which the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Bangor University is a primary contributor.

XReality course delivered at Airbus

The course provided and introduction to Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, discussed some of the challenges of these paradigms, and presented some of our demos in Immersive Analytics (see image above, of the VRIA framework in MR, through the Microsoft HoloLens 2). The course was delivered over four sessions.