Panagiotis D. Ritsos

MEng PhD Essex, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Visualization

XReality, Visualization and
Analytics (XRVA) Lab

Visualization, Data, Modelling and
Graphics (VDMG) research group,

School of Computer Science
and Engineering,

Bangor University,
Dean Street, Bangor,
Gwynedd, UK, LL57 1UT

Workshop paper accepted in HUI / ISMAR2023

Wizualization System Overview

Our paper “Don’t Pull the Balrog — Lessons Learned from Designing Wizualization: a Magic-inspired Data Analytics System in XR” has been accepted for publication in HybridUI: 1st Workshop on Hybrid User Interfaces: Complementary Interfaces for Mixed Reality Interaction, taking place during ISMAR 2023.

In this paper, we review lessons learned during the development of Wizualization, a visual analytics system for eXtended Reality (XR) that enables an analyst to author and interact with visualizations using a ‘hard-magic’ metaphor. Wizualization is based on a fundamentally hybrid and multimodal approach utilizing AR/XR, gestures, sound, and speech to support the mobile setting.


P. W. S. Butcher, A. Batch, P. D. Ritsos, and N. Elmqvist, “Don’t Pull the Balrog — Lessons Learned from Designing Wizualization: a Magic-inspired Data Analytics System in XR,” in HybridUI: 1st Workshop on Hybrid User Interfaces: Complementary Interfaces for Mixed Reality Interaction, 2023. This paper presents lessons learned in the design and development of Wizualization, a ubiquitous analytics system for authoring visualizations in WebXR using a magic metaphor. The system is based on a fundamentally hybrid and multimodal approach utilizing AR/XR, gestures, sound, and speech to support the mobile setting. Our lessons include how to overcome mostly technical challenges, such as view management and combining multiple sessions in the same analytical 3D space, but also user-based, design-oriented, and even social ones. Our intention in sharing these teachings is to help fellow travellers navigate the same troubled waters we have traversed.
[Abstract]   [Details]   [PDF]